

How to Teach Your Children to Be More Positive with a Happy Jar

How to Teach Your Children

to Be More Positive with a Happy Jar

photo credit to harvardhomemaker

photo credit to harvardhomemaker

This has to be my favourite article! I really love this idea and I think as adults we should all be doing this! It’s very easy to forget the good things that can happen in life, the bad always seems to outweigh it! But this is something to pass down as a family tradition, and I will be doing this too! We have all heard the expressions and received the advice: “Count your blessings,” “Think positively,” “Find the good in every day”… But the busyness of family life can make this hard to remember or put into practice.


Make a happy jar and fill it with mementos from happy events and notes about positive things that happen to your family throughout the year. Your jar will provide a tangible reminder to look for the good in life and an instant mood boost and it won’t break the bank either! For more information, head over to harvardhomemaker.com and get started on your own family happy jar now…..

How to Teach Your Children to Be More Positive with a Happy Jar