What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location)

What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location)

photo credit to www.ifoam.org

photo credit to www.ifoam.org

If you are unsure of when to sow, or what you can sow each month, then look no further! I found a great list of vegetables you can plant in September over at organicgardening.about.com. They have listed vegetables in region order. This is awesome and it is so easy to read and easy to understand (what I like to see!). I also think fall gardening is easier as there are less pests and problems in the cooler weather. Did you know a fall “cover” crop can organically protect and build your soil? Neither did I, so check out this link below and start your fall garden now……

What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location)