Mirror Frame Made with Just an Egg Carton!
This is the sort of craft that i love, a simple idea that can turn into something wonderful! This beautiful mirror frame is crafted with flowers that are made out of nothing but only an egg carton! All you have to do is to cut the carton as shown in the tutorial and then arrange and glue the flowers to the sides of the mirror! Check out what you will need to create your own masterpiece!
- Scissors
- Drill
- Handsaw
- Wire
- Paintbrush
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Hot-glue gun
Supplies / ingredients:
- Egg cartons
- Mirror tile
- Black acrylic paint
- Household adhesive
- White spray paint
After finishing, don’t forget to throw the rest of cartons to recycling bins. As you can see, recycling doesn’t have to be boring!! Check out the tutorial via the link below……….