

How to Tell When Your Chicken Will Start Laying Eggs (Video)

How to Tell When Your Chicken

Will Start Laying Eggs (Video)

U.S. Department of Agricul via Flickr cc

U.S. Department of Agricul via Flickr cc

The first sign is that the birds will make a sort of moaning noise and will constantly keep going to and from the nest box. After laying for the first time, the bird will make a cackling sound as if to everyone look what she has achieved! Provide a nest box with easy access, make it as dark as possible, or place it in a dark area. Keep it clean and disinfected and always collect the eggs on a regular basis – at least once a day.

It’s such a good feeling knowing where your breakfast comes from! TIP: I don’t recommend purchasing chicks or chickens from someone you don’t know and trust, only purchase from a hatchery or trusted seller! Naturallyloriel.com has some great advice and tips! Check out her article here, via the link below!

How to Tell When Your Chicken Will Start Laying Eggs (Video)