10 Ways to Beautify Your Brows

10 Ways to Beautify Your Brows

photo credit to neysaberman.com

photo credit to neysaberman.com

How do you get perfectly beautiful eyebrows? Do you upkeep your eyebrows? What does your routine look like? Over at brit.co they give you 10 amazing tips you will need to make sure your brows are kept in shape! Oh yes, there’s more to it than just prudent plucking! Most of us ignore our eyebrows, and some of us have the opposite problem of over plucking them to the point of non-existence.

Our eyebrows help define our face, and the way that we shape them can help disguise or enhance some of our best and worst features. There is obviously a right and wrong way to fill in and shape your brows — you don’t want to look like you drew them on (I can think of a few people who have!) Click the link below and get these free tips,  beautify your brows now!

10 Ways to Beautify Your Brows