

How to Set a Broken Bone or Treat a Dislocated Joint

How to Set a Broken Bone

or Treat a Dislocated Joint

By Puwadol Jaturawutthichai/Shutterstock.com

Dislocations are the separations of bone joints causing the bones to go out of proper alignment. These misalignments can be extremely painful and can cause an impairment of nerve or circulatory function below the area affected. You must place these joints back into alignment as quickly as possible. You can dislocate almost any joint in your body, including your knee, hip, ankle, or shoulder.

Signs and symptoms of dislocations are joint pain, tenderness, swelling, discoloration, limited range of motion, and deformity of the joint. You treat dislocations by reduction, immobilization, and rehabilitation. What would you do if a family member breaks a bone in SHTF? Luckily, the Survival Doctor answers this very question. Check out this excellent article on setting a broken bone when no help is available:

How to Set a Broken Bone or Treat a Dislocated Joint