

DIY Gel Air Freshener

DIY Gel Air Freshener

Image: bitzngiggles.com

Image: bitzngiggles.com

For parents with little kids, having flaming candles around is just asking for trouble. I love how candles look and smell, but I don’t like how they attract curious little hands. Enter the gel air freshener! (Of course, if your kids are little, you’ll definitely want to put the air fresheners up and out of reach so they’re not accidentally mistaken for edible treats!). It’s a fun new entry in my arsenal of natural ways to make the house smell amazing. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • distilled water
  • unflavored gelatin
  • fragrance or essential oil
  • salt
  • glass jars
  • Silk flowers, leaves or other additions you think would be fun!

Nice and simple is what we like! Check out the directions from bitzngiggles.com via the link below: Enjoy!

DIY Gel Air Freshener