

27 Plants That Don’t Like To Mix It Up!

27 Plants That Don’t Like To Mix It Up!

Image: plantcaretoday.com

Image: plantcaretoday.com

Many plants simply hate to share their space with others. Some plants are very choosy about their companions, a little like who you like to hang around with! The gardening wizards at plantcaretoday.com posted this detailed list of twenty-seven plants that can (and can’t) grow side-by-side. It will help you plan out your garden for best results.

They explain which ones attract bugs, and which add nutrients to the soil. Some are just plain hostile loners and others love company. It’s almost like they have their own personalities. Learn which plants like to mix it up, and which ones don’t, when you click the link below.

27 Plants That Don’t Like To Mix It Up!